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Pacific Summit F1

Pacific Summit F1 is a new clonal hybrid with exceptional head quality and an all-green spear. It is suited to areas with moderate and hot harvest temperatures. 

Pacific Summit can be harvested traditionally or used in “mother fern” culture to extend the harvest season.

Pacific Summit has higher marketable yields than UC 157, Early California, Brock and DePaoli in Central America. Trials in Asia show that Pacific Summit yields more than Welcome, Atticus and UC 157 with equal or better spear quality.  

In New Zealand, Pacific Summit produced 28% more marketable yield than Pacific 2000 and 88% more than Jersey Giant over three harvest seasons.

Pacific Summit is earlier than UC 157 and DePaoli with an average spear weight similar to UC 157.

Seed of Pacific Summit is free of Asparagus Virus 1, Asparagus Virus 2 and Tobacco Streak Virus. Absence of AV-2 means Pacific Summit is less susceptible to Fusarium rot.

For maximum yields, a planting density of 35,000 plants/ha is recommended. Plant at 15-20cm deep.

 © Aspara Pacific Ltd 2020. All rights reserved

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